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Refreshing Competency Certification Test Preparation: Preparation of the Lap. Finance based on SAK ETAP
The workshop, which was held on Saturday, January 22, 2022, was attended by more than 200 students, the majority of whom came from vocational schools in Jakarta
The workshop was opened with an opening speech from Dr. Murtanto, Ak, M.Si, CA (Director of LSP-TA) and Camelia Mayang Susanti, AMd, S.Ak (Alumni)
Followed by the delivery of material by 4 speakers who are all LSP-TA Assessors, namely:
1. Dr. R. Rosiyana Dewi, SE, Ak, M.Si, CA
2. Marieta Ariani, SE, M.Si, CADE, CAAT
3. Rakendro Wijayanto, SE, MM, CADE, CAAT
4. Tyas Pambudi Raharjo, SE, MM, CADE, CAAT
Hopefully this workshop can continue and provide benefits for all parties
Enhance Your Professionalism and Integrity
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