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At the end of the study period, students of the Tax Accounting Diploma Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University are required to take fieldwork practice (PKL) courses and final assignment reports that have a total weight of 5 credits. This course aims to get students to get practical experience from the business world by getting real data and compiled in the form of reports as a result.
Street vendors are activities carried out by students in order to achieve elements of learning achievement, namely attitudes, knowledge and skills. FieldWork Practice is part of the teaching and learning process for human resource development carried out in companies or agencies, where participants work as company employees to practice previously acquired theories, acquire knowledge of skills and work attitudes under the direction of company leaders or other appointed officials, and get guidance from guidance lecturers.
PKL destination
The final task report made by students is inseparable from student activities during street vendors as well as the study of the formulation of known problems at the time of PKL. The final task report made by students of DIII Accounting Taxation is adjusted to the output of the KKNI Level 5 curriculum, namely: meeting the level of work ability that is able to complete broad-environment work, choose various methods and meet the level of mastery of knowledge that is able to master theoretical concepts of certain fields of knowledge and skills in general. Students can choose one of the 2 (two) main topics of the study program namely accounting or taxation. In order for this final task report to be contributing and forward-oriented, the reported material is adjusted to current issues and relates to the company’s condition at the time of the PKL.
The description of the contents of the final task report is as follows:
A. Background
B. Start and End of FieldWork Practice
C. Method of preparing ta report
D. Problem Formulation
E. Final Task Report Objectives
F. Systematics of Report Writing
A. Theoretical Foundation
Contains about theories and regulations related to the topic of ta report
B. Frame of Mind
Provides an overview of the existing problem formulation and how to solve it
Describe the company profile, vision, mission and objectives of the company, the type of company business, and the organizational structure of the company
Discuss and elaborate the results to answer the formulation of the problem based on the results of observations, interviews and interviews and associate it with the theory studied and discussed in chapter II.
A. Conclusion
Describe briefly the results of the discussion in chapter IV
B. Limitations
Describes the limitations gained when compiling the final task report
C. Implications
Provide input and advice to the parties concerned in the TA report